Customer touch points in tours


There are multiple points within an tour where customers view your content. Understanding the purpose of each, can help you frame the content. 



Tour Summary

This is what people see when they are scrolling through tours. They see the title, preview images and the summary. The summary should be descriptive and short. A hook to entice people to click into the tour and review.



Tour highlights

What people will see goes here. You detail what you will see and more importantly why its interesting or exciting to take your tour.

Elements to include are:

  • Highlights
  • What they will experience, explore or taste
  • Any hidden local gems. Secret or unexpected points in a tour create more interest, which is why we at Ylore, created Pop Ups – little points which highlight points or local food and drink options. You don’t have to list Pop Ups in the tour highlights if you want to keep some mystery, and also protect your network.
  • Key information
  • What’s included
  • What’s not included
  • Value to the customer
  • Essential information



Hi from tour creator 

You are a story teller, so let people see and connect with you. It let’s them know your style and personality.

You can list off platform connection point including contact information so they can connect if they have questions.




People appreciate when you give them a heads up on what they will need for a tour. The environment and conditions determine what you need.

Elements include:

Sturdy walking shoes.

Credit card or money for travel.

The terrain on this tour can be unpaved at times. Caution is required.

Safety awareness. Be situationally aware and mindful of your own safety at all times. Look both ways when crossing the street.




Some locations are impacted be seasonal weather such as monsoon season. Recommendations like carrying an umbrella or wet weather gear are appreciated.



Tour stops

Create a summary that makes people want to stop at this location.

Point of Interest content

Break up the content with different media types i.e. text, video, audio. When framing the content, assess:

Value to customer

Why is it worthwhile to stop here

Break up the content with facts, little know facts. It makes a more interesting engagement.



Pop Up content

Pop Ups are short and sharp points of interest you might want to point out, or showcase knowledge of local food and drink. You could even leverage your network and get people to quote secret code words, which unlock special deals. Good for the customer, good for your through rebates.


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